Source Code


its the french defenition of '' Dumb Ass''

T Juste Un Osti D'agrès!

by BENNY December 16, 2004

8👍 3👎

Hot Girl

Courtney Lee. originated from California

dude that girl is so Courtney Lee

by BENNY September 29, 2004

51👍 233👎


A response to answer any question that you didn't hear, didn't like, or didn't give a fuck about. Can be easily replaced with "nine." Can also be used to describe anything or anyone. "Nine" is the true answer to any numerical question.

Question: Did you get the laundry done?
Answer: niner

Question: How many cells make up the haman body?
Answer: nine

by BENNY February 17, 2004

16👍 21👎


The best radio sation ever

y100 beats the crap out of any other radio station

by BENNY March 20, 2005

128👍 107👎


Someone who munches on tits

"You fucking Titmunch"

by BENNY April 14, 2005

24👍 6👎


The land of chebber

The place where one goes after numerous alcoholic beverages.

"I'm bored, fancy doing something?"

"Yes, I know, lets go to chebberland"

by BENNY February 17, 2004


extremely cold

Yo, ike, i busted out of house and started chasing him but it was issel as a mug and i ran beck in.

by BENNY May 2, 2003

13👍 16👎