a person who would watch Minecraft videos for too long and play Minecraft to much they are addicted to the game
hey pikanoskill you should come with us to go to the park and play football
The processes of disarming a person that could be a threat to you. because you want to staying alive.
I decombobulate it to say your life they were going to cut your hair
a guy that is has no life another to play one game or two sometimes more everyday of the year and taking no breaks because the believe that it is their life
jocoed you should stop playing everyday and go outside a breath fresh air rather than being inside all day
a nickname for some one that is poggers and loved by everyone
hey tobalina you are my best mate you are so awesome
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it is always correct there is no need to argue you are wrong
luca de poggers is some one named luca and there friends like him so much they have named him luca de poggers because the a bestis of friends
luca de poggers i love you because you are my best friend
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