1. A word ushed to describe people who can not properly pronounce their eshes.
2. An extremely annoying computer programming language.
36π 75π
High atop a hill theres a tower in the wonderful pine barrons of NJ, a place where hicks and hitchhikers gather to see the sites, drop stuff off the tower,smoke pot,drink,have sex, and swing.
if your a white american citizen then come on up
if your not, then go to camden or something
I go to apple pie hill to have fun
45π 72π
A small place in Yorkshire with 1 pub for every 300 people that live there.
I'm off to Grassington, I may kill myself
1π 1π
An anomatapoetic word meaning to burst suddenly, or make a pop like sound.
4π 10π
To give over to the care of another; entrust.
To deliver (merchandise, for example) for custody or sale.
in other words cossimy,or spot or front merchandise
"Number ten: a strong word called consignment
Strictly for live men, not for freshmen
If you ain't got the clientele say hell no
Cause they gon want they money rain sleet hail snow" -Notorious "Ten Crack Commandments"
266π 41π