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vanilla latte girl

Female with light skin, a take on the stereotypical 'girl next door'. Is similar to the 'white girl' (orders vanilla lattes at Starbucks, never seen without wearing makeup, smashes avocado toast etc). however she's rather bland and boring personality-wise and forever obsesses over how she looks on Instagram. Gets bored easily and is quite basic. Far too sweet in big doses. May rot your teeth if you hang around her for too long.

- This term originates from the song 'screenshots' by BINDY.

Me to my friends: "She's nice and all, but she's a bit of a vanilla latte girl."
Me to UD: "Have you heard the song 'screenshots' by BINDY? My ex boyfriend dumped me for a vanilla latte girl, like in the song."

by BINDY_ May 15, 2022

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