the sexiest man to every walk the earth. So much sexier than Daniel.
Ellie: Woah look it's Bari!
Zoe: He's so much sexier than Daniel!!
A sexy beast. Musuclar, has abs, and luscious hair. Just like the country in Italy, beautiful. Girls fall for him on sight, but don't get me wrong here, he's not only a sexy beast, but a smart mothafoka. He's very intelligent, and responds very fast.
Girl 1: Wow, is that Bari?
Girl 2: Yeah omg he's so hot.
Girl 1: I know right, I wish he liked me!
The most beautiful boy in the world. He comes from israel and is soooo hott. He is un-resistable and all the girls want him. He is a legend and good at sports. He has the most ripped six pack and the sharpest jawline. Girls fall for him in sight. He makes guys gay just by a stare! He is the hottest ever.
Girl: OMG is that Bari??
Boy: ohhh yeaah it iss.
Girl: I want it so bad
Boy: me too xD