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A tragic occurence or bad news.

Terrorist attacks are serious boo-hoos for Bush, not to mention all the resulting casualties.

by BK Artivism August 2, 2005

24👍 38👎


A pedestrian who monopolizes shared walkways with complete inconsideration of others. Most often used to describe the following: a lackadaisical walker who blocks other, more agile, pedestrians from getting to where they need to go; one of a larger group of lunchtime strollers who think it's cute to walk shoulder-to-shoulder, five or six in a row, on a busy city sidewalk.

Don't these clogs know what it means to walk single file?

This Sunday-strolling clog is a real chooch.

by BK Artivism July 7, 2005

71👍 30👎


The varying degree of sound produced by a hi-hat, incorporated with a drum kit. Derived from a similarity to the effect of greasy food on a piping-hot skillet.

If this band is as punk as you say, I'll need to hear a little more sizzle on the hi-hat.

A perfect blend of kick, snare, and sizzle makes for a utopic drum sound.

by BK Artivism August 2, 2005

7👍 16👎