Source Code


A composer/performer of Classical music. Born 1756, died 1791. A musical prodigy, he began to play the keyboard at age 3, and composed his first piece of music at the age of 5. His works are often regarded to be the epitome of the Classical era of music, perhaps because he the most well-known of Classical composers. Some of his most famous works include the Symphony no. 40 and his collection of piano sonatas.

I played Mozart's Sonata no. 12 yesterday for a recital.

by BLARG man March 3, 2005

361πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


Forked-Over Rebuilt Dodge.

It's just a brand, you corporate slaves.

by BLARG man February 23, 2005

38πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

Squall Leonheart

The protagonist of the video game Final Fantasy VIII. Is especially noted for two things, namely, his "lone wolf" personality, and his unique weapon, the gunblade. He starts as a student of a mercenary school, but gets drawn into a conflict beyond imagination. I would go on, but hey, couldn't ruin the WHOLE thing, could I?

Squall Leonheart is one -cold- muthafucka.

by BLARG man October 8, 2004

111πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Super Sonic

When Sonic the Hedgehog collets all of the Chaos Emeralds, he does a shameless Super Saiyan rip-off. His skin turns a flashy bright gold color, he's damn near invincible, and goes from 0 to 200 in about .7 seconds. Attaining the form of Super Sonic removes all challenge from the game.


by BLARG man October 8, 2004

75πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


A town of about 15,000, located in northern California, in Mendocino County. If you live in Ukiah, you're either an anti-big business "liberal" teenager who thinks they know politics, or a shotgun-toting conservative redneck-type. There isn't a lot to do in Ukiah, but instead of finding something to do, the teens whine and complain that they don't have a mall or a skate park. The high school is pretty nasty up in Ukiah, even though most of the teachers are either funny or good (or sometimes both). They're just trying to teach a bunch of potheads who would rather be somewhere else. Oh, yes, pot. Enter a random backyard in Ukiah, and odds are you'll find marijuana (Ask the owner of the house about it, and he'll/she'll claim it's for "medical" purposes). Ukiah is an interesting place to visit, but don't count on moving there, since no one can afford it.

If you couldn't tell, I'm a native of Ukiah.

Ukiah is "haiku" spelled backwards.

by BLARG man October 13, 2004

116πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

George W. Bush

The current President of the United States.

That's all he is, folks. For discussions about how he's evil and shit like that, go to a friggin' forum and rant over there. Political opinions are NOT definitions.

by BLARG man March 7, 2005

118πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž

Barret Wallace

A character in the video game Final Fantasy VII. He's a big angry black man with a machine-gun where his right forearm should be. Has limbs bigger than most people's bodies. Likes to swear a lot. Play the game to find out more.

Dude, you better not piss off Barret or you could get the shit beaten out of you.

by BLARG man October 9, 2004

161πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž