when a person can not resist and uncontrollably forces copious amounts of sausage into their orfice resulting in an audible sound reminiscent of a turkey.
latin: Pultem Gobbler
example 1: Tim loved sausage so much, he gagged himself during consumption.Tim was a Sausage Gobbler
example 2: Tim made uncomfortable noises when receiving sausage, tim was popular at sausage festivals and meat markets. Tim a Showboating Sausage Gobbler.
The distinctive mating call of a Sausage Gobbler.
Tim made awkward sounds when enjoying massive amounts of sausage. Tim would Glugh Glugh Glugh Glaugh when he received to much
Fridiot - People that become freaking morons due to performing any number of tasks that is distracting and causing a negative or less than normal result.
Fridiot-That fridiot almost hit me because he was texting and driving
When things, places, people and situations have a sucky ending no matter how much you try to change the outcome.
That golddigger really sucks the life out of me... She's Skeeterish