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Lake Placid

A small hicktown in central Florida in Highlands County, closest to larger hicktowns such as Avon Park and Sebring.
It has a population of a little over 2,000, not including the massive amount of underpaid illegal Mexican migrant workers that come to pick oranges. Lake Placid prides itself in the fact that it has 30 named lakes.
There's absolutely nothing to do here, unless you like old people, oranges, caladiums, lakes, or Beef O Brady's.
Lake Placid has no WalMart, no movie theater, no mall (the closest GOOD one is two hours away), and nothing is open 24 hours.
Lake Placid High school is known for it's shitty football team and 23% dropout rate, and nothing else. The party scene is pretty much the only thing kids have to do. Teen pregnancy is huge here, with at least 15 girls pregnant during the 2007-2008 school year.

It was created to be a vacation town for the wealthy people of Lake Placid, NY, but eventually turned into a community of it's own. It was founded by the creator of the Dewey Decimal system.

Lake Placid is also a city in New York, and a shitty movie about a giant alligator.

Sebring kids: "There's a huge party going on in Lake Placid tonight. I hate those fucking redneck hicks, but let's go get us some free booze!"

"The movie Lake Placid sucked."

by BREEbby (: July 11, 2008

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