Source Code

Dog and Bone

Cockney rhyming slang for phone - the telephone.

''Pick up the dog and bone now''

by BRENDAN April 5, 2003

127πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


REAL FAST. The speed of light!

Imagine the speed of Superman, that is lightspeed!

by BRENDAN July 1, 2004

14πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


The sick looking vertical part at the top of the skate or snowboard ramp.

''That mother of a half pipe has half a fucking metre of vert!!!''

by BRENDAN April 5, 2003

37πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


Notably racist remark made of black men not long ago in the US, as if they were less than men. Sometimes used today by blacks referring to other blacks however, in a similar way that nigga is.

''My boy Careem ain't gonna go out like dat''

by BRENDAN April 5, 2003

648πŸ‘ 423πŸ‘Ž


Capital of, and easily the largest city in the UK. Host for the 2012 Olympic Games.

At least 52 people died in the bomb attacks in London last week.

by BRENDAN July 13, 2005

314πŸ‘ 186πŸ‘Ž

granny dumping

the act of placing an elderly relative in a hospice or assisted living facility so that they're not your problem anymore.

"granny dumping her would make all of our lives easier. we'd only have to visit on weekends."

by BRENDAN July 22, 2004

29πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Dirt Knog

A complete moron. A person who lacks basic intelligence and social skills that are needed throughout the day.

Why are you throwing things at people, you complete dirt knog!

Stop being a dirt knog and quit playing with fire!

by BRENDAN October 13, 2004

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž