Source Code


Short for the game Battlefield 1942. Available to play online with other "1337 g4m3rz" as a multiplayer like mohaa and cs.

"u want 2 play bf1942 4 a bit?"
"yeh ok"

by BRENDAN September 5, 2004

28πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

deus ex

From God. Used as an alternative, although not very commonly, for Top Dawg.

''I just completed that game Deus Ex last night as that solid guy''

by BRENDAN April 5, 2003

18πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Main language of Ian Beatson and the Phillipines.

Mahal kita - I love you
Puntanginamo - **** **** ****** *****
Pukinamo - *** ***** **** ***

by BRENDAN September 17, 2004

73πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

Wee Man

1. A short male (Scottish)
2. A small penis (Scottish)

''Grant put your wee man away''

by BRENDAN April 6, 2003

116πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

sha na na na

Originated from the sound made at the closing of the "Family Ties" theme song. Used after something incredibly dynamic or cool is said or done.

Your friend: "Hey, so I ran into the ho Carly. You know, the one who gave Kirk herpes. Yeah, I told her she smells."
You reply: "Sha na na na!"

by BRENDAN April 28, 2003

20πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


To be swindled or cheated out of something, usually money. To not get what you paid for.

Originates from the mega-evil corporation Qwest who does this to every one of their customers.

"Wow... I just got qwested by that taxi driver."

"Qwest you, buddy!"

by BRENDAN July 7, 2004

47πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Nitrous Oxide
1. Used in vehicles as a boost in speed but is street illegal.
2. Bodybuilding supplement; designer creatine.

1. NO2's in the boot.
2. NO2 doesn't work any better than standard creatine monohydrate.

by BRENDAN September 20, 2004

4πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž