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To be holy is to be pure—innocent in all you say and do, having no hidden motives, wronging no one. It is to be as openhearted as a little child and transparent in spirit as the crystal sea before the throne.

To be holy is to be a keeper of all promises and a restorer of all good things.

Holiness is the foundation of all right relationships and the standard for all actions of all people at all times.

Holiness does not grant a different standard for anyone at any level of knowledge, age or capability.

All people and all nations are accountable for living in a spirit of holiness at all times and in all ways.

All nations and every individual will be judged by this one standard of holiness--there is no alternative, otherwise God would be subject to the whims of the nations as their different and conflicting doctrines of justice rise and fall.

This means that God will not judge the communists by their collective utilitarian doctrines nor will he judge the west by its individualistic doctrines of human rights.

He will hold the judges of the earth accountable to holiness in every decision they ever made throughout all human history.

Holiness brings forth righteousness in the land. Holiness separates you and the nation from all wickedness of spirit.

In contrast, the secular doctrines of human rights and of utilitarianism justify and greatly expand wickedness of spirit.

This means that holiness is the means of learning moral truth and achieving pure motives.

"You are to be holy for I am holy."

"To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their thoughts and their conscience are defiled."

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things."

by Backslidden Atheist August 7, 2012

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