Slur used online to define a person that bases their entire personality on liking Japan. Most of the times, however, they don't like Japan as much as they like anime and/or manga, so they develope an affinity for Japan due to mere association.
They can be spotted on sites like TikTok or 4chan's international board, praising Japan for superficial reasons, or saying things like ''Japan is in 2050''. They also tend to ignore any negative aspect of the country, idealizing it to delusional points.
Some of them get to travel or even live in Japan. Once they arrive, there's a 1 out of 5 chances they will start a mediocre youtube vlog/instagram page about living in Japan, because there's obviously not enough of them already.
A: As soon as I turn 18, I'm going to Japan
B: Quit it, japfag.