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Garrett is the probably the most kindest guy you will ever meet, but he could be a pain in the ass. He has a great sense of humor, and is very fun to be around. Garrett is also very creative, and can be dirty minded some times. Garrett is a great friend and boyfriend he is there for you no matter what. He makes you smile even if you don't want to. He has a great personality and he smile all the time. Garrett is probably the best boyfriend ever. If you are his girlfriend you are very lucky because Garrett will be there for you no matter what, and if you are his one true love he will stick with you no matter how tempting these other girls might be. Garrett has the greatest smile ever, and has the most beautiful baby blue eyes. Garrett is probably one of the best friend and boyfriend anyone could ask for. Garrett is the most kindest person you could ever meet, but he could be a pain in the ass some time.

I am glad I am Garrett's girlfriend.

by Badass girl 14 October 30, 2017

1159👍 263👎


Garrett can be the kindest person ever, but he can be a great pain in the ass. Garrett has a great sense of humor, and is creative when he is bord. Garrett can be dirty minded some time, and jokes with you. He is also fun to be around. Garrett also has beautiful blond hair, and very beautiful baby blue eyes and a great smile Garrett is a good friend and boyfriend. Garrett is an amazing boyfriend. He will treat you like his queen and will be there if you need him. If you are his girlfriend I would hold on tight and not let go of him.

Girlfriend: I am so lucky I have my Garrett.😊

by Badass girl 14 October 25, 2017

10👍 4👎


Elijah is a total badass. He fights for what he believes. Hey has a sense of humor, and is an amazing person. He is totally strong, and isn't scared of beating anyone's ass, but Elijah also has a soft side to him like no other. Yes he may sound like a total bitch some times, but he is sweet, and is an amazing friend. And if you are his girlfriend you are one lucky girl because no matter what Elijah will fight for you, and will beat anyone's ass who messes with th you.

It is great to be Elijah friend

by Badass girl 14 October 25, 2017

14👍 5👎


Shiller is one of the most beautiful girls in the world. Even though she won't believe you, and she is the kindest person you will ever meet. She is fun to hang around, and has a great sense of humor. She is smart and She is very attractive and has a greater sense of style than any one she is beautiful inside and out. Shiller is also a great friend she will stick up for her friends and for what she believes. Shiller is beautiful all the way around.

#beautiful #fun # great friend
I love being shyler friend

I would so love to be shiller

by Badass girl 14 October 26, 2017

30👍 3👎


Faith is the most kindest girl you will ever meet. She is beautiful inside and out, and has a great sense of humor. She fight for her friend and for what she believes. She is very fun to be around. She is her own person. She can make you smile any time even if you are mad. Faith also smiles even when she want to cry. She is the best friend anyone could ask for, and she is beautiful all the way around.

Faith is the best friend anyone could ask for.

by Badass girl 14 October 25, 2017

518👍 74👎


Faith is the most kindest person you will ever meet. She has a great sense in humor ,and is fun to hang around. She is beautiful inside and out. She is her own person, and is a great friend she will do anything for you. Faith also fight for what she believes. Faith is the best she has beautiful black hair and a beautiful smile, and along with that she I beautiful all around l, and has a great personality. Faith is one of the best friend anyone could ask for so if you are friends with Faith I would hold on and never let go.

#beautiful # amazing # funny # fun to be around #a best friend anyone could ask for.
Faith is the best

by Badass girl 14 October 26, 2017

243👍 46👎