When you hang a pair of cherries from the base of an erect penis, after having held an ice pack to it, you then rub orange peel along the shaft of the penis, take a shot of whiskey with a dash of bitters and a pinch of sugar, and when you swallow the shot, immediately deep throat the erect penis and lap a cherry into your mouth with your tongue, chew it, and swallow it.
You then say, "Ooh what a lovely Old Fashion"
Person#1 Would you like another old fashion?
Person #2 Yes, please. May I please get extra cherries on the next one?
Person #1 You got it!
Person #2 This is a lovely Old Fashion!
Person#1 The cocktail? Or the part where I just gave you an old fashion and deep throated you to get that cherry? I'm soooo drunk..