Source Code


The least readable fucking thing in the pc

mcfunction file: "execute as" blah blah blah (bunch of 0s and 1s)

joe:what the fuck am i reading
john: this code is absolutely fucking unreadable

by Ball Sniffer (aka He) June 1, 2022


The fear of the love of animals

The dog barks:"it sure is a good day"
zoophile says:*mumbles nonsense* "i am going to fuck you" *mumbles nonsense*
The dog:"why"
The dog gets forcefully fucked by the zoophile.

The dog survives.
The dog now has zoophilophobia.
The dog thinks:"fucking idiot"

Few hours later they go to sleep.

Morning(like the event): *morning sounds*

The dog wakes up to being fucked.
The dog jumps off of the zoophile's dick.

zoophile: "get back you little shit"

The dog jumps to the window.
The dog breaks the window by kicking it. (how the fu-)

The dog runs off to a place which will most likely be specified in the next story. (just think its the sunset)

by Ball Sniffer (aka He) May 30, 2022


This emoji is a way to make people show that they are laughing, are 9 years old and try to be funny. (Second part less known.)

xXx_Epik_geima69420_xXx:your not funny😐
He 2(child of He):You're* + funny.*

by Ball Sniffer (aka He) February 11, 2022