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Kim Kardashian

A bizarre creature, born out of a procedure called "Plastic surgery". For some reason, this creature is 99% plastic, yet she still exists. Scientists are currently researching the entity

Kim Kardashian shouldn't exist

by Balls Obama July 21, 2022


A homofascist is a homosexual (Usually male) who attempts to make heterosexuals homosexual.

Homofascists make up a very small percentage of homosexuals, and many homosexuals dislike homofascists.

James charles is an example of a homofascist.

by Balls Obama August 4, 2023

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Joe Biden

The Joe Biden is a sex position in which the male penetrates the female while she is screaming about election interference.

I Joe Bidened that hoe.

by Balls Obama September 4, 2023

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Elon Musk

Refers to someone who masturbates to AI generated porn and erotica.

Tim is an Elon Musk.

by Balls Obama September 4, 2023

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A groomer is:

Anyone who supports trans rights.

Anyone who supports telling children that LGBTQ people exist.

Anyone who allows minors to get life saving treatment.

Any LGBTQ person who supports their own community.

Normal person: I think we should teach children to accept LGBTQ people so that they will become better people overall.
Christard: Ok Groomer!

by Balls Obama August 15, 2023

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Fox News

Donald trumpҀ™s propaganda machine. Known for spreading lies.

Fox news: Election was rigged!
Intelligent people: Classic fox news propaganda.

by Balls Obama May 4, 2023

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Confederate flag

The sexual act of sticking a confederate flag up oneҀ™s vagina or anus. Often very stimulated.

I did confederate flag yesterday.

by Balls Obama September 22, 2023