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The female of the homosepian species, the weaker cowardly and emotionally unstable counterpart to the man.
The sex that evolved to breed and sexualy please men in return for comfort and protection and which nowadays behaves as though their submission was forced upon them.

The woman has no capacity for the process of logical and critical thinking therefore made no achievements of her own and can easily be manipulated by mass commercialism.

The woman is a vengeful creature full of envy and low cunning and created a victimised identity and a narrative of conspiracy against her to account for the her everlasting dependency on men and her lack of any contribution to society or human civilization While men with eternal bravery hunted, gatherd, fought and conquered and created civilization and invented every single field of study and art, built cities and countries, walked on the moon and dove into the deepest oceans the woman cleaned, cooked and bred.
Finally while millions of men were sent to fight and die for the countless time for the ungreatful vermin, the female decided to start a political movment to solidify their ludicrous emotional disability and victimhood as strength and to attempt to corrupt mens spirit through the only weapon they have the courage to weild - tears, and blame.

Women will never achieve domination over the world men created, nor do they deserve to.
Nature's will always triumphs.

by Balls of copper July 29, 2022

3👍 3👎


When you tell a woman she's wrong about something and goes insane and expects you to to apologize for having a penis but instead you just go quite and close your eyes and wait for it to end like a plane crash.

Gaslighting: Our male ancestors started hunting so they wouldn't gaslight anymore.

by Balls of copper August 30, 2022

8👍 5👎


Men are superior to the female human in every possible aspect.

Men are responsible for every single human achievement discovery and innovation since the dawn of time.

Men created civilization single-handedly, from technology to architecture to art and philosophy, while women evolved and survived to please men.

Men fought and defeated all their foes, hunted conquered and discovered everything that ever was and will be.

More intelligent and rational than women due to denser prefrontal cortex, stronger physically and mentally due to a fearless moral inventory and determination which allows them to confront, overcome and champion life.
Men are constantly undermind and shamed by women and other weak creatures because they are envious and full of self loathing due to their need to satisfy men in order to have a purpose in life. Women are totally physically and mentally dependent on men and without men society would crumble.

Men are independent and capable of unbelievable courage, creativity and self sacrifice.

women constantly need empowerment and attention because they are cowards fit for breeding and making sandwiches.

by Balls of copper August 20, 2022

10👍 25👎