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Types of Fangirls


Will do anything to be near their senpai even murder anyone who gets in the way.


"I love love love love love (Fictional Character or celebrity) he/she is MINE! If you get in the way...I.WILL.MURDER.YOU!!!!"

Mostly sane Fangirl:

Pretty awesome, doesn't usually force their ideas upon you and doesn't cosplay as them.
"Yeah, I love (Fictional character or celebrity) I sometimes write Fanficiton but I don't write them marrying me forever."

Pitiful fangirl:

"I love (Fictional characters or celebrity)'s dark hair." (Your name), he/she has (any other color that isn't dark)..." "oh."

I am a fangirl, a mostly sane one.

by Bambi the bimbo October 16, 2018

1👍 2👎


If you are reading this....You are probably named Rachel and looking for a confident boost.....I recommend looking below this

"I heard Rachel went to Urban Dictionary for a confidence boost!"

by Bambi the bimbo July 31, 2018

35👍 8👎