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kenan and kel

A HUGE part of my childhood.
Along with The Simpsons (when it was still mildly funny),that cartoon about the shrimpy thingies that live under the sea with lil' tooty things on their heads and not forgetting the *wondrous* Little Bear Stories.
I loved it at age 8-10,now I just think it's creepy....

Kenan and Kel,a comedy American show about *ZANY!!!* black teenagers.One of them had a prominent addiction to orange soda,the other was a fat nark with NO chance of getting laid....OH MY GOD! It was racist!!!!

by Bandanasarerad August 26, 2006

105πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

brokeback mountain

Film that would have sucked if it wasn't for the hotness of Donnie Darko and the other guy.
Very,very...VERY close to nicely shot gay p33n at times.
I'm 14 and I enjoyed it although it has made me have weird dreams...usually envolving Gerard Way...and Donnie Darko...Gary Oldman...etc

Frank the bunny rabbit: (Watching Brokeback Mountain) So THAT'S what donnie is up to these days...well I be damned.

Me and fwendy:(Watching Brokeback Mountain)Ewww!!!
(Ten seconds later) ~Drool~

Me: Godamn not that dream again! Oh I feel so DIRTY!

by Bandanasarerad August 17, 2006

31πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


Think Seattle without the grunge.
Or New Jersey without the emo.
And you're halfway there.
Also has a blooming gay hustler scene and is home to many gutter punks. It's a cool place to live if you're a liberal. Probably not that great if you're conservative,but who gives a crap about them really? :P
Oh,and the guy who wrote Fight Club come from Portland,so it's GOTTA be cool.

"Portland: the diet NY." sniffed a New York hipster before being severely beaten by Portland punks in Exploited tees.

by Bandanasarerad October 23, 2006

403πŸ‘ 238πŸ‘Ž

Chat speak

From LOL (Laugh Out Loud) to BRB (Be Right Back),Internet chatrooms have a language all of their own.
Here are some of the more popular ones:
Logged On Dressed Like Sailor Moon

Christ,I'm Fat.

Did You Hear The News There Might Be Giants?

Pockmarked 46 year old in bathrobe

I Have Trouble With Basic Spelling And Punctuation

Just Ejactulated On My Keyboard

Not To Bring Up Star Wars Again,But...

Taking Off My Training Bra

Can I Lock You In My Basement Forever?

Hang On,Getting More Pringles

Weeping Silently To Self.

Sk8er-D00d: LODLSM
PunkChicka: XIF

by Bandanasarerad November 12, 2006

73πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


OMG: Three simple letters that have many,many reasons.
Here are the well known ones:
1.~Oh My God:Used to exclaim shock,joy,ectasy,anger, fear ...just about every emotion there is. May result in *pain* if said anywhere near fundamentalist CR-AAA-ZY Catholic/Christian types. See "Oh my Allah!" for muslims.

Christain : *punch*

2.~Oh My Goth:Used as a putdown for those seen as "gothic". Goths' rarely find this offensive.But if they do,run for your life! *Has flashback*


And the lesser known ones....
3.~Oily Men Grunting.
A well known gay porn film,featuring Italian men. Does what it says on the tin.

"Oooh,after Brokeback Mountain I fancy OMG!"
"Oily Men Grunting,of course!"

4.~ Over Medicated Generation.
The present generation.Our over medicated state leads to strange behaviour. See "Emo","Emo Boys Kissing" and "MTV"
for more evidence.

"Here,Honey take your pills with your brekkie!"
"Snap,crackle and prozac!"

OMG: It never ceases to amuse.

by Bandanasarerad August 26, 2006

50πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

The Shape Of Punk To Come

Final album released by harcore heroes Refused.
Unfortunatley,The Shape Of Punk To Come was NOT the shape of punk to come,more the shape of post-hardcore to come.
If everybody had bought Refused instead of Good Charlotte we would live in a better world right now.
Or at least the music would be better.
And I wouldn't have to listen to the all american rejects every time I turn on MTV.
In fact,if Refused had got their way,there wouldn't even BE an MTV any more.

"Holy crap,have you heard The Shape Of Punk To Come?"
"Yes. It's was so good,I was cumming out of my ears."

by Bandanasarerad November 20, 2006

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

gerard way

Lead singer and main song writer of New Jersey band My Chemical Romance,one of the very few bands like by the mainstream who do whatever THEY want.Jumps around like a sex-crazed monkey on prozac while on stage and is very kind to his fans. Often called "Hot oh em gee!" by teeny boppers who are very,very mad that he cut his hair. They're out for blood,I tells ya!
Gerard enjoys horror movies,comic books (he had his own line coming out soon,called the Halloween Academy,I think)and has has an obbsesion with death from a young age.
His voice ranges from beautiful to the scream of a mental patient. Adored by tens of thousands of teenagers worldwide,for showing them it's OK to be fucked up.Despite popular belief,not all MCR fans have a desire to have his babies,though I wouldn't complain.

"This shit is easy peasy pumpkin peasy...pumpkin pie motherfucker!"

"Okay, I am going to make this to the point. I AM a homosexual, But I'm really comfortable for who I am. I will be who I want to be. So please don't care about my sexual orientation, care about my music. If you think it's wrong to be a homosexual, then you're actually sorely mistaken. So please, just show your pride. "
Note: That one above,it's probably sacrcasm...o_0!

"Just 'cause you're bigger than me, just 'cause you're smarter than me, just 'cause you drive a better car than me, does not mean, no way no how, that I'm sucking you off. For any amount of money."
Gerard Way

by Bandanasarerad September 7, 2006

79πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž