Garvon is a flavor of booty juice. Found mostly in India. Smells like spicy fish. It's a clear yellow fluid that can stain your skin easily. Bacterial byproduct. Also is found in a jellied form of hyena butter. It's the second smelliest naturally occurring substance in nature.
After eating contaminated sea food, Shmamantha was leaking Garvon from her anus into the public swimming pool. The amount of Garvon in the water made it bright yellow yellow.
Public lice are usually referred to as Crabs. They are small parasites that resemble Sébastien from the Little Mermaid. There's no known cure for them.
Did you hear that Rebecca has Crotch Crickets again? I think I heard the song Under the Sea coming from her front underwear.
A pair of extra long labia. Said to be able to grip a Fiddle and play a tune.
A woman name Ruth had Fiddle Grippers so long she could play the banjo without using her hands.