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A collection of feelings or palpable aura a premonition or precognition that your significant other may be up to something or with someone that wont positively affect your relationship.

Girl 1: It's weird I usually get a text from him right before he goes to bed but last night, nothing.

Girl 2: Sister that's your Cheater-Senses telling you to watch out for that playa. He's a dog!

by Barec2 April 29, 2009

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Acronym for Father Of The Year. A derisive and sarcastic term for men who abrogate, half-ass or otherwise shirk their responsibilities either by action or neglect.

Tina: So did Jim have Jr. last night for visitation?

Fay: Yeah FOTY spent 45 minutes showing his son how to channel surf while self fondling and drinking beer. Classic!

by Barec2 May 23, 2009

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Armoire Gangsta (AG)

A former hardcore gangsta rapper who now relaxes within the confines of a gated community in a lavishly appointed, multi-million dollar home; enjoying a life that most of his fans can't hope to achieve.

A sell-out who's abandoned fighting "The Man" for fighting with his interior decorator.

Fan 1: Yo man, did you hear Diddy's 'bout to drop a new single?

Fan 2: Nah man I don't listen to that fool since he came out with a line of homegoods. He's gone form OG to AG.

Fan 1: AG?

Fan 2: Yeah he's all livin' the Armoire Gangsta (AG) life.

Fan 1: You jus' hatin'.

Fan 2: Nah man, I'm keepin' it real!

by Barec2 November 11, 2011