A typical batshit insane wikinazi from Wikidata and other shitholes from Jimmy Wales. Known to censor and whitewash other wikinazis like Andreasmperu.
I know Vicarage - said no one.
I trust Vicarage - said no one.
Vicarage is cool - said no one.
Yet another loud and pointless wikinazi from Wikidata and other shitholes from Jimmy Wales. They are known to slander and whitewash other wikinazis.
I know Vicarage - said no one.
I trust Vicarage - said no one.
Vicarage is cool - said no one.
A typical batshit insane wikinazi from Wikidata. Known to censor and whitewash other wikinazis like Andreasmperu from Wikidata and other shitholes from Jimmy Wales.
I know Vicarage - said no one.
I trust Vicarage - said no one.
Vicarage is cool - said no one.
Yet another wikinazi from Jimmy Wales and his shitholes.
I know Discospinster - said no one.
I trust Discospinster - said no one.
Discospinster is a cool guy - said no one.
Yet another loud and pointless wikinazi from English Wikipedia. Nobody cares about this sorry imbecile again. Known to waste time with overly retarded questions. Jimmy Wales will get his money again. Don't worry.
I know Jacobolus - said no one.
I trust Jacobolus - said no one.
Jacobolus is a cool guy - said no one.
A scam from Jimmy Wales weirdo that cannot handle even news in any major country. Not to mention anything more verbose and important. It's full of wikinazis as well. Call the police.
- Google it n00b
- *Reads outdated half-assed crap* Me read. Me knowledge. Me donate Wikimedia.
Yet another shitbag from English Wikipedia.
I know LDM2003 - no one said
I trust LDM2003 - no one said
LDM2003 is a cool guy - no one said
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