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the coolest person ever cause purr

Person 1: heartifyz is so cool.

Person 2: I know right?

Person 1: I hope we can hang out with them soon.

by Baronbunnyfp July 3, 2021


A very cool person but idk if they think minecraftgamer69 is cool because I ate a big mac in less than 3 minutes but okay

Person 1: Omg have you seen serotonem 's new video?!
Person 2:Ya they are so cool.
Person 1:I know right. 🤭

by Baronbunnyfp July 11, 2021

1👍 9👎


Someone who likes when people tell them that they had a liquidy poop

Omg did you hear baronbunnyfp had segs with Donald Trump and loves deez nuts.

by Baronbunnyfp July 2, 2021