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4 s's

a quick way of explaining what you need to do before you are ready to go out. The s's stand for: Shit, Shower, Spunk, Shave

Wife: Are you ready to go for a meal?

Man: No, just need to have the 4 s's

Wife: Well just don't fill the bowl again

by Barry Chuckle touched me November 10, 2008

23👍 2👎

3 s's

a quick way of explaining what you need to do before you are ready to go out. The s's stand for: Shit, Shower, Shave.

for extended version see "4 s's"

Wife: Are you ready to go out for a meal.

Man: No, I just need to do the 3 s's

Wife: Well I won't eat it this time

by Barry Chuckle touched me November 10, 2008

18👍 2👎