It is a very dangerous sickness which is distributed by Manuels. The symptoms are an urge to touch male persons, this like a finger animal.
Next comes a phase where you're complimenting gays all the time. The third phase is fondling and breathing loudly. In addition there is an urge to burp again and again.
Your so weird, do you have the Manuelitis?
You are so wierd, you must have Manuelitis.
This is a type of how to gave scool.
This is a kind of school to give.
Not to be confused with Stalinism.
It's not a very efficient way to teach and nobody likes you.
The main subjects in class are Uganda, wuter and climate change.
This also includes a very poor teaching of English
Our teacher is so bad, he only use the Stählinismus.
The fear of Manuels
Manuel don't come near me I have a manuphobia