adj: to behave in a way that is the male equivalent of the vernacular "cunt" for a female by direct method of unceremoniously distancing one's self from a group with no explanation.
noun: a person, place or thing that has engaged in the act of gunting
-Kent realized that he made questionable friend choices and gunted those closest to him. Upon the group's discovery of this phenomena, the group had no choice but to conclude that Kent had become a total gunt.
-Scott frequently enjoyed going to the gym. But after trolling many women in yoga pants, management had no choice and gunted Scott from the premises.
-Mike was a quiet fellow. Many hiking partners often wonder if they had been gunted by Mike on many a journey only to realize that he was simply too far ahead of them to experience a "full gunt".
A term used in the sport of pickleball to describe the score of a game played to 15 points in which the losing team fails to score a single point while the winning team achieves 15 points. In a traditional pickleball game, a team who loses 0-11 got "pickled"; the sports vernacular for getting "blanked", "bageled" or any other any terminology that describes a team's ineptitude to achieve even a minimum number of attainable points. Coppelling is different in that the same logic applies but in a game where the winner is the first to score 15 while the losing team has 0 points.
"Boy, these old people at the nursing home are terrible at playing pickleball. We are about to coppell the crap out of them"
"Did you hear about Rick and Raheem on the court today? They had a rough one. They got coppelled by Boris and Aaron and it wasn't pretty."
"I had a really bad Valentine's Day last year. Stacy broke up with me, my dog died, I have a nasty rash that took two weeks to clear and my car broke down. It's as if the gods themselves coppelled the holiday."