Source Code


When something or someone (usually a corporation) posts cringe like Bud Light did, they get Budlighted, causing their brand to be destroyed in an instant, as using it becomes an embarassing act.

A: Target just lost 9 billion dollars from selling pride month products early

B: Looks like they just got Budlighted.

by Based Cow May 25, 2023

Cow Humor

An elusive form of humor revolving around cows. If you read my name, (Based Cow) you'll know that I have cow humor. The reason why it's funny is because it's super random, and random == funny. But it isn't TOO random.

Person 1: 2 cows walk into a bar. The cow says to the other cow, MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, and proceeds to dance.
Person 2: Do you have the elusive Cow Humor?

by Based Cow December 5, 2021

Touch Some Grass

A command people use on toxic people when they go too far, which is basically asking the toxic person to go in nature for a while.

Person 2: Geez, calm down, go touch some grass.

by Based Cow November 18, 2021

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Self Defense

When someone tries to beat you up so you beat them up to stop them from beating you up.

Person 1 used self defense when Person 2 tried to chase him and grab his weapon. Person 2 seemed to have intent of harming Person 1.

by Based Cow November 18, 2021

Void Meme

A meme that died so hard and/or is so unfunny that there's literally no humor at all in it, and can't even be revived as an ironic meme. Old filler memes are more likely to be void memes.

That boomer minions meme format is so dead that it's probably about to become or is already a void meme.

by Based Cow December 5, 2021

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You don't have enough memory in the memory card

A casual, subtle way of calling someone stupid, as they do not have enough memory in their memory card. Or, in other words, not enough memory in their brain.

Person 1: Does 2 + 2 = 5?
Person 2: You don't have enough memory in the memory card. Is your memory card set correctly?

by Based Cow June 16, 2022

Personal Funny

The thing that equals instant humor in someone's mind.
Usually, when a meme becomes a personal funny, it becomes nearly immortal in that person's mind.

Person 2: Why do you think that's so funny?! That meme is so dead!
Person 1: Sorry but it's my personal funny.

by Based Cow December 5, 2021