One answer to the question, "Is that person a whore". Meaning "ho for sure".
Frank: Is Debbie a whore?
Mike: She's a hofosho.
39π 14π
n. Someone who is fat and eats food that isn't theirs without the permission of the owner of the food
That fat shit cat ate my tomato...damn you Oprah!
51π 18π
adj. Something that is both fat and disgusting at the same time
This bowl of soup is fatusting.
23π 7π
shortened form for calling someone a fat shit cat
That fsc better not strike out.
30π 25π
1. mispelling of Oprah
2. What Oprah was actually named, but was changed by accident by some one on her birth certificate(true).
Orpah was a character that Oprah was named after.
61π 13π
n. Someone who is not only a whore, but is also a slut.
Fred: That girl over there is just being a slut.
Bob: No, she's a whore.
Fred: So she's a hoslut?
Bob: I guess...
26π 4π