When a guy hits on a girl who is an aquaitence, who is not interested, a distant family member, or too good for him and does it consistently over a short period of time, making it awkward for the girl to be near him. "Kluggers" often are oblivious to the girls disinterest, so girls have to be clever when trying to ditch the clignybastard. "Kluggers" usually flirt subtly to avoid being labeled as a creep, or because they are afraid of rejection. Because the two are somehow a part of each others social, work, or family environment one has to be polite to the Klugger when trying to ease away!
Brenda: Hey Nicole are you having a good time at the party?
Nicole: Yeah, except Justin is totally klugging and won't leave me the fuck alone
Brenda: Eww isn't he you step- fathers nephew?
Nicole: yeahh, I can run from him, but I can't hide from him! Helpp me hide!
Justin: Nicole! there you are! I've been looking for you!!
Nicole: Ahhhhhhh Fuck................
Brenda: Justin would be good at that "Where's Waldo" shit we hid everywhere!