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When someone says something that contradicts how they act or what they said before.


“I think that alm”
“That’s racist”

“Aren’t you the people who kill people because of their skin color?”
“Can’t be racist against white people!”
“Yes you can.”
“No you can’t!!!!”
“That’s hypocrisy”

by Bearboi is MAD November 4, 2020

Peni s

Peni s

“Nice cock bro”
“I like your cock g”
A peni s is the male version of a hotdog

by Bearboi is MAD November 24, 2020


A organization that uses black lives as a way to commit violence against white people, cops, and conservatives.

“If you don’t like BLM you are racist.”
“But don’t they riot and kill people?”

“Your racist”

by Bearboi is MAD November 4, 2020

8👍 24👎