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Basic clothes worn by all medical staff in the operating room - unisex string-tie cotton of a distinctive green color designed to show blood spatters. More shapeless and characterless even than scrubs.

I almost didn't recognize Dr. Blank - I've never seen him out of greens before.

by Bearraccs May 28, 2007

15👍 134👎


The straight-up spring that a cat makes when taken completely by surprise by sudden movements, such as by a toaster, a small dog, human toes, or an evil cucumber. May have a backwards component. May be used for similar reactions by humans.

The printer came on suddenly and Fluffy went popcat and fell off the desk.

by Bearraccs November 20, 2019

5👍 3👎


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Common term for lung diseases such as emphysema or asthma. Also Common Old Person's Disease, referring to the fact that COPD shows up mostly in the over-50 group.

The doctor told her that her COPD was due to her 2-pack-a-day habit.

by Bearraccs May 26, 2007

44👍 10👎