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Capella University

Like its counterpart Walden University, Capella University is a place where you can buy a degree as long as you're willing to pay. The similarities with Walden University (also located in Minneapolis, Minnesota) are so similar that the same definitions apply to both schools.

Like Walden, Capella is "an online diploma mill masquerading as a school. They started as small non-accredited college selling degrees through the Internet and have since bombarded the Internet with endless advertising spam messages about their graduate programs. Everyone who applies will be accepted as they don’t require a GRE, SAT, or a pulse. If you can pay, you can get yourself a Walden education.

Their instructors are all part-time employees who are usually employed at other online schools and teach at Walden for the extra money. All of their classes are canned and don’t really require any real learning. Just write papers and do the minimum and you’ll have a worthless degree in no time at all.

The school's administration in Minneapolis, MN changes constantly. The school goes through deans and heads of departments so quickly they can't seem to figure out who's running things.

Capella University is for anyone who wants to brag about having a degree while they’re restocking the shelves at Walmart."

To paraphase the second Walden definition - Capella University is "a marketing company masquerading as a school. Anytime anyone says anything bad about them online a bunch of fake people, who all sound exactly the same, show up to defend it.

The school is the bottom of the barrel of acredited colleges. It is the community college of online schools. The only reason to go to Capella University is because you can't get in anywhere else.
This review will never be number #1 on Urban Dictionary because Capella University staff members are paid to scour the internet and purge honest information about their school.

by BeenThere July 18, 2008

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