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1. An intellectually sound position on a given idea (or thing, or subject, etc.) for which evidence for it's existence is insufficient.

2. The intellectually sound qualifier that most people who understand the meaning of the word put at the beginning of their given religious classification.

3. An atheist who doesn't like the word "atheist".

4. An atheist who thinks the definition of "atheist" is one who claims to know there are no gods.

5. An atheist who doesn't know that the definition of "atheist" is one who does not believe in any gods.

6. A word fought over by all manner of agnostics, atheists and Theists; meaningless minutia.

1. "I'm agnostic on the Higgs boson particle."

2. "I'm an agnostic Jew (or atheist, or Christian, or Hindu, etc.) because I don't know for a fact that god/s exist, and even if I did, I would still not necessarily know the nature of said potential god/s."

3. Professor Bart D. Ehrman.

4. George Carlin, deceased; Bill Maher.

5. most agnostics

6. the other 5 definitions

by Beery Swine December 21, 2008

10👍 69👎


Someone who thinks diety is a word.

theist Example can't be blank

by Beery Swine December 21, 2008

58👍 203👎