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An old English term, possibly of Scottish origin, for a woman's bust, most often used in plural form.

Aye, she's a skyet-gob, I'll grant you, but wi' a pair o' boofers like that on 'er, who gives a bleedin' bucket o' shite?

by BelAir Hilloc December 28, 2021


The noise made when falling through a rotten shingled roof, usually quite by accident

He reached a point halfway up to the roof peak without falling backwards, pausing to catch his breath; then suddenly, a crackling noise came from below, followed by a loud "Soomp!!" as the rotten shingles gave way, and the unfortunate peasant began his premature descent to the rooms below.

by BelAir Hilloc May 11, 2020


A colloquial English term--presumably of some antiquity--describing an unfortunate condition afflicting the pectoral physiognomy of many men and women as they age, and/or surrender themselves to superfluous engorgement. Usually preceded by the definite article (I. E. "The Tittydangles").

Her most voluptuous, and otherwise pleasant, mien was sadly marred by a grievous case of The Tittydangles, which no amount of yardage, nor any ingenious construct of whalebone and India rubber, could conceal.

by BelAir Hilloc April 27, 2021


The exclamation of surprise and astonishment uttered by one who unexpectedly has an apple--or other firm-fleshed variety of pome or drupe--forcefully jammed into his or her open mouth.

Tripping over the curbstone hurt my pride a little, and my toes not at all, but the last thing I wanted to do at that moment was to jam a large crabapple into Summer Bletchfield's patrician tonsils; her irate, accusatory expostulation of "GUH!" will haunt my sleepless dreams through decades of agonizing regret.

by BelAir Hilloc November 21, 2020


What Angelenos (people from Los Angeles) call Oxnard, which most would prefer not to call anything at all, except they frequently have to drive through it. Almost always preceded by the definite article ("The 'Snard"). Derivatives exist, i. e. "Snarditude".

Five's a bitch, and Bakersfield sucks, but if we take 101, we gotta go through The 'Snard again.

by BelAir Hilloc June 16, 2021


Shamama Gasanova, twice named a Hero of the Soviet Union, attained the highest political rank of any woman in the history of the USSR when she became the Secretary of the Soviet of the Union of the Supreme Soviet. The author of a monumental increase in Soviet cotton production, she was also a writer and poet. She toured the United States with Alexei Kosygin and Leonid Brezhnev in 1974, and visited a large garlic farm in Gilroy. Shamama was an Azeri, a poet and a writer. After she retired and the USSR discorporated, the unfortunate Ms. Gasanova was rudely dispossessed of her family home in the the Disputed Nagorno--Karabakh Enclave, forcing her to flee to Baku in both her nightgown and a state of profound ignominy.

I never saw a babe put away the potato juice like that Shamama--she must have a hollow, um, well, never mind.

by BelAir Hilloc December 24, 2020


Traffling: The most extreme form of domestic cat kneading or "Making Biscuits," done with straight legs, a high, military step, and an apparent sense of urgency.

Vyacheslav, my twenty-pound Russian Blue, was the perfect companion, except for his incessant traffling on my midsection, which more than once resulted in memorable indigestion.

by BelAir Hilloc December 30, 2019