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Confused on here…
I sometimes, can be…
Who is who…
Is it you?
One thing I never question…
Is my love for you…
I do…
Love you more than anything…
There is nothing I wouldn’t do…
To wake everyday to YOU…
To be the one that says I do…
TO YOU❤️❤️❤️❤️

For this day…
You know I will wait… 4ever…
You and me…
It is fate❤️
A smile I beam…
As I think of the happiness, love and laughs …
That will be seen!!!!

Doubt my love for you…
Don’t bother to do…
I love you always !!!!

by Believe always October 13, 2023

13👍 41👎


Things we see…
Will tell us not to believe…
In our dream…
We have a choice…
To follow our dream…
Or watch it flow down the stream…
Guarantees, there are none…
Giving up, there is one…
Your dream, you will never see…
This is why I always BELIEVE!!!!
Regardless of what I see…
I know in my heart what is meant to be…

And that my love is you and me…
For eternity…

by Believe always October 15, 2023

16👍 48👎


The one who is my light…
Makes me twinkle at his sight…
I dream of those arms so tight…
While I tell you I love you every night…

The one who is my spark…
It has been this way from the start…
Some day we will never be a part…
As you will always have my heart…

The one who is my one!!!
My heart you have won!!!
Remember my love for you….
with every setting sun…

Beautiful colors you see…
On the horizon…
Preparing for a night of sleep…
Just think of it as a good night kiss from me…

I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

by Believe always October 20, 2023

11👍 32👎


Famous people we see…
We dream of that one day to be…

You are my famous person…
My dream will always be …

You and me…

by Believe always November 1, 2023

14👍 28👎


“God isn’t asking you to figure it out…
He asking you to trust that he already has”

I saw this quote today …
Something told me to post it

by Believe always October 19, 2023

16👍 63👎


Exchange a smile…
It has been awhile…
Sending a few…
To you…
Hoping it will help get you through…
Since seeing posts you can’t do…
Always know I love you…

Here are your smiles…

Hoping these will get you by…
Until the smile you see…
Is mine…

by Believe always November 8, 2023

17👍 16👎


Here I am…
With my x…
Waiting for you…
To find this precious treasure chest…

In it what will you find?
I guarantee it will blow your mind:)
Daily you will see…
All this love from me…

Touches I will do…
I guarantee more than just a few…
Silly things I say…
You will now hear this everyday:)

You are the sole holder of this map…
Open with care…
As the contents will jump…
To anywhere…
Just to say I love YOU!!!


by Believe always October 11, 2023

26👍 63👎