Source Code


(Jib) Verb. To request and recieve a make out session from a male with whom 3 or more of his friends you have already made out with.

No dude, she already hooked up with 4 other TKE's... You just got Gibbed!

by Ben Kinsey November 4, 2006

14👍 24👎

Gibb Score

A rating of how many points someone has scored when Gibbing.
The formula progressively rewards later gibbings more than earlier gibbings.

Gibb Score = Sumation from (C=0 -> Cmax) of {1 - (e / 2)^(Fc - 3)}

Where each C corresponds to a friend circle. And Fc is the number of friends that have been hooked up with in that circle.

A girl who has hooked up with 5 Tke's and 8 Beta's would have a Gibb Score of:

1-1.359^2 = .846
+1-1.359^5 = 4.635
= 5.481 = 5.481

by Ben Kinsey November 4, 2006

6👍 8👎