short for numberblock 18 / rowen, a dumb kid on trollbox that likes this thing called uncannyblocks and makes dumb songs. he also rages at bots for no reason and doesn't like to learn things
"NB18 is spamming the n-word in atrium!"
"That's something he would absolutely do."
a card you can use if you run out of uno reverse cards
you: *runs out of uno reverse cards*
you: dos reverse card
windows but nice
also windows lol edition
"hey have you checked out windows 69?"
"windows 69 doesn't exist"
5👍 1👎
something bensav asks for no reason
"is it moment time?"
someone: joe has updog ligma!!!!
some guy: who's joe? what's ligma? what's updog?
someone: joe mama, ligma balls, nothin' much.
"don't know why but __proto__ is breaking all of the trollbox bots"
jankalatantantikilikitiki will be the cutest girl you know. she will be very kind and would love to do the stuff without hesitation
very happy all the time and most likely murdered a raccoon 2 weeks ago
"OMG istg jankalatantantikilikitiki is so fuckin cuteeee"