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An adjective used to refer to a person whose beliefs are made "based on themselves" or what they themselves experienced and like, and not to satisfy others needs.

It can be used positively by just being a typical "be who you want to be and not what they expect you to be" word. It's kind of meant to describe the guy who prefers to die standing than live kneeling to something they see incorrect, to a typical authoritarian government or a crowd that isn't aware of their mistakes or things they did wrong. That is, at least, it's popular definition.

Interestingly enough, the word "Based" can be used to a really high extreme by making the "be who you want to be (^・ω・^✿)" saying get inside a blender, go from white to red, and just be used to describe the guy who wants the germans to bring back hitler, or anything that can be associated with very taboo groups like the KKK or the nazis.

It applies to the word "Based" because these people have an ideology that they themselves have without caring of what others think, it's just that it's now proposing mass murder. Same Shit Different Day.

Note: This slang should be kept inside the shithole. Using it outside the internet will either get you to be friends with weird kids or bullied.

Example 1, used by redditors or twittards with the normie personality trait.

User 1: "I hate oranges, I hate orange man!"
User 2: "Omg so based."

Example 2, used majorly by, most people, average internet users, with average mind personality trait.

User 1: "Why do people call black people as black if they're actually brown?"
User 2: "Omg so based."

Example 3, It's assumed to be used by the "evil hacker known as 4chan" users with antisocial personality trait, or people who just want to say controversial shit because it's fun.

User 1: "Vaporeon is the best pokemon"
User 2: "Omg so based."

by Benis removed March 28, 2022


In social groups, White refers to white skinned people, or people whose skin tone is approximate to the milk color, not by racial origins, but by spending all time inside their house, nvr being exposed to the sun.

These "white" attributes are often connoted or possessed by people who try to be as safe as possible in every scenario, avoiding danger or getting hurt in any way possible,spending all their day inside their house (usually living from the internet).

Being "white" does not mean you're "white". To be born in Sweden is not the same as living all day inside your house, windows closed, avoiding any danger at all costs (which is what the "white" term refers to).

The term can also be used to refer to black-skinned people, if these people were to spend so much of their time in a safe zone avoiding sun and any contact with the outside world.

Due to the term being similar to "Caucasian people", the people who fall victim to this term often reflect on the term being derogatory and rude-without-reason, rather than a teller on self-reflection, because being in your own house in front of a computer brings a lot of drawbacks into the individual, including muscular deterioration (which results in depression), health problems, social problems, paleness, etc.

And it also refers to cringy terms or words that try to be as least offensive as possible, ironically being offensive for the attempt at avoiding conflict itself, when the conflict is welcomed instead of avoided.

White boy in 1970: guys let's go play checkers in my house.
Friend: what? You mean your basement? Bro we gonna go skating instead, wanna come.
White boy in 70s: but my mom said it's dangerous and I might get hurt. What if I hurt my elbow like the other day in the bike? I had my assist wheels, my helmet and everything! I was grounded for a week! Come on guys, let's go play checkers like that one time in primary school.

Ex-friend: yo, live more, talk less, nerd.

White boy in 2020: Y'know guys, I really like reddit, it's a very wholesome place and there are no bullies that go un banned.
Friend: dude, you spend all day in that place this is the only time you visit us, and it's only because it's new years eve, otherwise you'd stay at home all day like you usually do.
White boy in 020s: Oh don't be rude my guy, I like being with my bros in TF2, you also said the same about my friends but they're not that uncool, y'know? They have animal suits.
Ex-friend: THEY WERE IN DIAPERS ok dude fuck off, go back to your mom's basement
White boy in 020s: I don't live in my basement, "duuude", I live in my room with my mom. Yikes, kinkshaming in 2020.

Normal white (as in, Caucasian) dude: Hey man, sup.
Normal black dude: sup mf, we were prepping everything up, we already have the boards for surfing. How's your elbow btw?

Normal Caucasian dude: just a bruise dude, idc, the bike's shit that's all.

by Benis removed December 31, 2022