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french quebecois version to tell someone to calm down, or to chill out."Erfredi" in proper french being refroidie means to cool down.You would usually use this when your friend or foe is "acting up" in order to "check" them."Erfredi" is usually accompagnied with "mon pit".

Person 1:"I'm gonna kick your ass man!"
Person 2: "Aille erfredi mon pit"

by Beno1t November 3, 2023

yogurt male

a cold hearted sigma who only love yogurt and other dairy product.Also perfected rolling knee bar submission.

Benoit is such a yogurt male, W!

by Beno1t September 19, 2023

2👍 3👎


your number one hater.Will try and bring you down on any victory, big or small you achieve and will try to sabatage any future ones aswell.

Person 1:"I aced my math test today"
Person 2:"You suck i aced 5 math tests kys"
Person 1:"Stop being such an Adam"

by Beno1t November 3, 2023