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n. Thor-loser
a male-identifying person (AMAB, trans male, etc.) who gets mad when typically masculine superheroes are rebooted as a typically feminine superhero, played by an otherwise-identifying person in superhero movie re-makes
plural n.: Thor-losers

“ Men who get mad when male superheroes are rebooted as women are called Thor losers. Thank you.”
by Twitter user: @OhNoSheTwitnt

“He’s such a Thor-loser. The re-make of Ghostbusters was amazing and hilarious.”

by BerylliumLithium December 8, 2019


v. hepeat (present tense)
To hepeat is to be a male-identifying person (AMAB, trans male, etc.) repeating an otherwise-identifying person’s idea that was ignored previously, but now loved by everyone because he said it.
plural v.: hepeats

present participle: hepeating
past participle: hepeated
future participle: going to hepeat
perfect participle: having hepeated

“ My friends coined a word: hepeated. For when a woman suggests an idea and it's ignored, but then a guy says same thing and everyone loves it”
by Twitter user: @NoisyAstronomer

Present tense: “Hepeat this; an electric toothbrush with biodegradable replacement heads.”
Pluralised present tense: “He hepeats things all the time. Watch this.”
Present participle: “He was hepeating me!”
Past participle: “He hepeated me again today at work.”
Future participle: “I can’t believe that he stole my idea. I want a meeting without him; he’s just going to hepeat me again.”

by BerylliumLithium December 8, 2019

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n. hepeater
a male-identifying person (AMAB, trans male, etc.) who hepeats or has previously hepeated an otherwise-identifying person
plural n.: hepeaters

Noun: “Ugh. He’s such a hepeater.”
Pluralised noun: “Watch out, they’re all hepeaters. Keep your ideas to yourself until they’re gone.”

by BerylliumLithium December 8, 2019

2👍 1👎


n. hepeater
a male-identifying person (AMAB, trans male, etc.) who hepeats or has previously hepeated an otherwise-identifying person
plural n.: hepeaters

“Ugh. He’s such a hepeater.”

Pluralised noun:
“Watch out, they’re all hepeaters. Keep your ideas to yourself until they’re gone.”

by BerylliumLithium December 8, 2019