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bloody hell

an interjection of either amazed awe or sudden anger/despondency; from the terms, "Christ's wounds," and/or "Christ's blood," which were deemed sacreligious and so were shortened to "bloody;" "hell was added later to express the full extent of the emotion; originated in Great Britain

Denethor: *insane and unconsolable* Flee, flee for your liiiiives!

Gandalf: *irritated* Oh, bloody HELL! *whacks Denethor with his staff*


Hermione: *punches Malfoy in his snivelling face* Bloody hell, I've wanted to do that for ages!

Ron: Bloody hell! I think I love you.

by Betsy Jacobson October 11, 2005

730👍 224👎

wicked groovy

an interjection or adjective of joy, most often used as a response to, or to describe something that is, beyond all doubt, awesome.

Fernando: I just got a new '76 Corvette Stingray! It's neon green with a white leather interior!

Seamus: THAT is wicked groovy.

by Betsy Jacobson October 10, 2005

18👍 3👎

Edward Cullen

The sexiest, most beautiful vampire ever to be written. Of course, Louis de Pointe du Lac is his equal.

Edward is a character in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. He is the reddish-brown haired, topaz-eyed beloved of the beautiful Bella Swan.

I heart Edward Cullen.

"...and so the lion fell in love with the lamb."

by Betsy Jacobson November 2, 2006

2872👍 2890👎