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dickographic memory

Similar to photographic memory, it’s where you might not remember a guys name but you remember if that dick was good or not.

Dude, this guy I recognized tried to take me home tonight but my dickographic memory reminded his dick wasn’t that good.

by Bflee000004 September 16, 2022

dickographic memory

Similar to photographic memory, but instead you might not remember the persons name but you can remember if they got good dick or not.

Dude, I hooked up with Adrian, he saw me at the bar and tried to get me home again and my dickographic memory made me remember it wasn’t that great.

by Bflee000004 September 16, 2022

Hetero’s Little Keychain

The gay version of a “pick me girl,” this type of gay will often turn his back on his own community to appease conservatives or for money. They will often put down gays of color, use racist language, and usually are transphobic. They betray their own community to fit in into typically gay unfriendly environments such as conservatives and MAGA country.

That Jefree Star is a hetero’s little keychain, they call themself a they but says non-binary people don’t exist.

by Bflee000004 February 17, 2023


A person who always has to have a different opinion just to be edgy or different, typically a woman who used to growl at people and shop at hot topic in high school and never grew out of it. Usually has dyed bright hair, still looks like a high schooler even though they are older than 20. Obsessed with fantasy movies and tv shows or anime more than kids. These people usually ruin something good for everyone else by also always trying to be special and different, never fun at parties and easily triggered.

I can’t stand Amy, she complained that the free snack bar at work didn’t have gluten-free, vegan, non GMO products so the company ended it, such an alternabitch.

by Bflee000004 January 27, 2022


A person who has decided to be a hermit from people and society but still has the sex drive of a rabbit. This person will still venture into society to fulfill their sexual needs but once satisfied will venture back into their home until the next feeding is necessary

I haven’t seen Mandee in a while, but a guy told me he had a night with her and she hasn’t been seen since.

Oh yea she became a whoremit, she said she only needs her home and sex that’s it.

by Bflee000004 June 2, 2023

Secret Santa'd

The act of becoming black out drunk and ordering random things on the internet, such as things on your Amazon wishlist, then receiving them later and recollecting who and how they were ordered.

Today I received a pair of shoes and some shirts in the mail, thinking I had a secret santa... in reality I secret santa'd myself by drunkenly ordering my amazon wishlist.

by Bflee000004 October 27, 2015

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