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Bisexual, Also known as Bisexuality, a sexuality inclusive of everyone regardless of gender.
Bisexuality defined as: the attraction towards both binary genders and beyond.
People who are Bisexual are called Bisexuals.
Every Bisexual experiences Bisexuality different, but they are Bisexual, regardless on how they experience it.
Bisexual: it’s own identity.
Some Bisexuals refer themselves as Biromantic, which is a bit different from Bisexual, considering it only shows romantic attraction.

Emma: I am bisexual because I love both men and women!
Tom: I am Bisexual and have a preference towards men.
Nana: Even though I only feel small attraction towards women, I am still bisexual!
David: I am Bisexual because I love people regardless of Gender
Anthony: I can stick my hand inside anyone’s pants and be happy with whatever I find. I’m Bisexual

by Bi-Trashcat August 13, 2020

2👍 5👎


Anti-Pan can be used in a lot of context.
In context of a Person being anti pan: A person being against the Pansexual label
In context of something being Anti-Pan: being Discriminating towards Pansexuality
In context of being against Anti-Pan: Someone who is Pro-Pan
Anti-Pan is focusing on the Pansexual label, rather than the users of Pansexuality or
being against the type of attraction directly.

Sara: Hey, David. I just found out some things and I might just be anti-pan.
David: What? But I thought you support Pansexuals!
Sara: I do, but I still think the Label they use is harmful, but that won’t mean I’ll bash them for using it.

by Bi-Trashcat August 13, 2020

3👍 6👎