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Pensacola Pelican

The act of defecating inside a person's mouth and then receiving a blow job from that person.

You got an Alabama Hot pocket? well I totally took a deuce in her mouth before she gave me a blowie, I call it the Pensacola Pelican!

by Big Dick McGhee July 19, 2010

15👍 8👎

Breaking the cue

For one person to use the bathroom of the opposite gender


by Big Dick McGhee April 5, 2018


A once great YouTube channel that played a varitety of different games, including GMod, Mario Kart, GTA 5, the list could go on forever. According to him, he's tired of gmod, which is understandable after 140 episodes after four years. But what doesn't make sense is how he can make 110 episodes of Fortnite in less that seven months and show no signs of exaustion. Tyler has dedicated his entire channel to Fortnite, only playing other games due to sponsorship. Wether or not he's leaving his crew for his Fortnite crew is unconfirmed, but inevitable. He lived a legend, and his channel will die trend following.

Guy #1: Dude, I Am Wildcat is the best Fortnite youtuber! He's so funny!
Guy #2: I miss when he played GMod and GTA 5, and Mario Kart, and-
Guy #1: Woah woah woah, wait a second! He played things other than Fortnite?

by Big Dick McGhee August 15, 2018

37👍 5👎