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ty clark

Ty Clark is a very special person. He is usually someone school smart and completely retarded. He has extra chromosomes and autism. He also likes to tap the debatron

“That kid Ty Clark has good grades but has autism”

by Big daddy Matt May 9, 2020


A sexy milf robot named after Deb or Debbie. She is amazing in bed and has heated leather interior reproductive parts. Everyone loves making love with the Debatron.

“Have you used the debatron before? I heard it has the best robo pussy!”

“Yes bro it has heated leather interior too!”

by Big daddy Matt April 23, 2020

matt bernardi

Matt Bernardi is someone with an absolutely massive cock. He is a full sender and watches Steve will do it. He doesn’t give a fuck about his grades and likes smoking weed and eating pizza. He also likes Football and Gronk.

“I heard that kid Matt Bernardi has a hugeeee peen. He’s definitely going D1.”

by Big daddy Matt May 13, 2020

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