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Ad hominem attack directed at anyone whose opinion is different from your own.

Someone actually responded to my comment on youtube with an opinion that's different from mine. I called him a troll and told him to go f himself. And, just like a troll, he refused to answer my profound political retort.

by BigBadMrReality May 30, 2016

77👍 28👎


Gibberish invented by dickless international corporate cocksuckers to disparage the few people left in the world who are capable of thinking for themselves.

Bob: That guy on twitter just posted something Disney might not approve of.

Carol: What an edgelord!

by BigBadMrReality September 15, 2022

37👍 119👎


Public method by which one checks the strength of his or her underarm deodorant.

It was so hot yesterday, I started dabbing on the subway to see if my Old Spice was still working.

by BigBadMrReality May 30, 2016

23👍 19👎


Moronic attempt by teenagers with no sense of self to imitate the moronic selfies of moronic pseudo-celebrities like the Kardashian clones.

Emilina is obsessed with taking duckface selfies. I wish she'd learn how to be her own person.

by BigBadMrReality May 30, 2016

74👍 7👎

fuck boy

Left-leaning, self-loathing male (usually caucasian) who believes the best way to please a woman is to allow her to use him as a doormat. In many cases, spine and/or testicles may have been socially removed, preventing the fuck boy from ever recovering.

Ben's girlfriend Carrie cheats on him all the time. I guess that's what he gets for being a fuck boy.

by BigBadMrReality May 30, 2016

9👍 9👎