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When gay people commit themselves to each other. Usually of short duration until a better opportunity comes along.

Joe: Hey Biff, did you here, those flamers Bruce and Brett are telling people they're Engayged.

Biff: That won't last, they're both a couple of homo-ho's.

by BigBlackBlick March 24, 2010

3👍 20👎

Event Horizon

The outer edge of the stink sphere caused by a rank, nasty fart, air-biscuit, SBDF or the like. Derived from Stephen Hawking's description of the edge of influence of a black hole's gravitational pull. Once you cross the event horizon of a black hole, there's no going back. Once you cross the event horizon of a fart, you will wish you never did.

1. When Trimble reached my event horizon his head snapped to the side like he was bitch slapped by Arnold.

2. Joe was walking briskly into my office until he hit my event horizon, his forward motion then halted abruptly as if he had hit a brick wall.

by BigBlackBlick February 1, 2010

16👍 6👎


The act of pooping again only a short time after you pooped the first time. Usually associated with the feeling that you first dump was so massive that there could not possibly be any more poop in you.

I couldn’t believe it. I laid a huge lunker at home and thought “that’ll get me through the day”. Then I get to work and its déjà-poo. I laid another foot of pipe.

by BigBlackBlick May 14, 2010

6👍 2👎


What your wife, girlfriend or fiance turns into during a visit from aunt flow. Very similar to a monster, but the transformation is periodic (pun intended).

John: "Hey Joe, once a month I feel like I'm married to Bela Lugosi."

Joe: "Right there with you bro. Once a month my Ruby turns into the Wolfman, Dracula and Fankenstein all rolled in one terrible menster."

by BigBlackBlick May 21, 2010

2👍 5👎


What The Fuck? Who The Fuck? When The Fuck? and Why The Fuck?

The four essential questions one asks in exasperation when something bad happens to them or someone close to them that was totally unexpected.

When walking back to my ride last night after getting jiggy at the club I saw that someone stole my curb feelers! I immediately texted my bro WTFx4: What The Fuck? Who The Fuck? When The Fuck? and Why The Fuck?

by BigBlackBlick November 1, 2010


An acronym for the derogatory term, saucey orifice, used instead of "significant other" to designate a woman that's kept around for physical pleasure. Can be used cladestinely in front of said S.O. when speaking to a friend who is "in the know". Said S.O. is lulled into a false sense of security thinking that they are your "significant other". (Only heterosexual use allowed as any other orifice is only saucey after the fact.)

Bob: Albert, just who is this engaing creature?

Albert: Oh, this is my S.O., Fillmein. Fillmein this is Albert. (Wink....wink)

by BigBlackBlick February 3, 2010

27👍 60👎

Don't Ask, Just Smell

A phrase to define the new policy of not "outing" someone by asking, "Did you just fart?" Not asking someone or a roomful of people, who farted is politically correct. The person who ripped it, dealt it, or pushed it, may have a medical issue the casuses he/she to expell rancid gas at semi-regular intervals. Moreover the guilty party may be very shy and "outing" them might cause mental trauma that would far exceed the mental and physical anguish of "just smelling".

I was at a meeting the other day when Bob let out an SBDF. I thought I was going to die. I was just about to "out" him on it, but then I thought, "What about Bob's feelings?". He's been having a rough time at home and with his Irratable Bowel Syndrome, I thought it prudent to practice "Don't Ask, Just Smell".

by BigBlackBlick December 28, 2011

14👍 2👎