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sweet panties

An unexpected but favourable outcome.

Derived from the old English: honeyed pantaloons

"Dude I just found $100 behind that table!"

"Those are some sweet panties right there!"

by BigPapaHoneyBadger May 19, 2016


Antifa (or Anti-Fascist) is a boogeyman created and promulgated by Alt-Right groups.

The idea is that there's a group of domestic terrorists running around attacking Trump supporters or something. You can only find stories about Antifa on Alt-Right blogs or fringe media outlets. Web searches are unable to turn up any web or social media pages for any sort of group identifying as Antifa.

I've looked. Seriously it's all bullshit. Look for yourself. You'll find pages talking about Antifa; but, they're all super right-wing. Nothing from anyone claiming to be part of the group. Shit even Anonymous has a facebook page. Antifa is pretty much a story that a bunch of dumb rednecks jack off to in a circle.

It's idiotic shit spread by idiotic people that has no basis in reality. On a separate but sort of related subject most of these dumb cunts haven't figured out how condoms work (If you're seething right now you probably had two kids before you turned 23. Also, seething means mad you ignorant fuck; I just saved you a google search; you're welcome.). As a result you're likely going to hear a lot more about Antifa in the years to come; we're outnumbered by the stupids and their numbers swell every day.

While entirely bullshit, Antifa does serve as a great metaphor for how as a civilization we're all fucked.

Climate change is an Antifa conspiracy.

by BigPapaHoneyBadger July 21, 2017

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