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A place where people get stuck in a never-ending cycle of poverty and arrests. Where they get a record and can ever get a regular job and are forced to go to jail or break the law. Then are surrounded by peers that also hold them down by influencing them poorly.

Those kids in the trap neighborhoods really need some proper role models besides bail bondsmen and rappers.

by BigPimppin6906 November 16, 2017

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To stab someone with a knife

"he just got Shanked with that knife" .... "yo, the homie just got shanked"

by BigPimppin6906 November 16, 2017

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"yo homie nice new kicks" or "those new kicks are fresh af when did you get them"

by BigPimppin6906 November 16, 2017


A place for funny terms, and posers to try to stay relevant/act cool when entering a new place and meet new people.

"Yo that fool had no idea what we were talking about, did he get his slang from urbandictionary? What a lame."

by BigPimppin6906 November 22, 2017


Similar to the trap, is where all the action happens. Itรขย€ย™s dangerous but exciting. However if you are in the wrong place from the wrong place could turn deadly.

Yo dawg I just saw the homie when I was driving through the hood the other night.

by BigPimppin6906 November 23, 2017


People who copy terms on UD to try and stay relevant.

Yo, that whiteboys slang wasn't even correct. What a poser. He probably got his slang from UrbanDictionary.

by BigPimppin6906 November 22, 2017



yo homie lets go get a brewski

by BigPimppin6906 November 23, 2017

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